Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Occasionally, I have been copying words from one notebook, or reading a book, while the television was one. Three times I have noticed the coincidence. I am reading a word or phrase, and at that very instant someone on television says the same word.
The first occasion was when I was reading something by Marshall McLuhan, specifically a joke that goes like this "What did they do before they invented the lightbulb?" "They watched television by candlelight". MASH was on television, and at that very moment, there was some incident about a lightbulb burning out, and some dialogue.
Then, I was copying something and I believe the word "destination" coincided at the exact time between my writing/reading and the television dialogue. I don't remember the show, but it may have been one of the courtroom reality shows.
Then, the word "rain" coincided.

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

February 12, 2008
It is funny how over the years, it is the same thing from day to day, year to year, and I am not unhappy with this. I have work, though money is tight. I have returned to painting, and have developed a way to prepare surfaces for egg-tempera painting. I make the primer out of chalk, linseed oil, and venetian turpentine (gum of Larch trees), with enough chalk so the surface will be flat and not glossy. It is better by far than the traditional gesso for egg-tempera painting made with rabbit-skin glue. As in 2003, I had to get rid of some mice, and resorted successfully to the same method. A large pail. Six inches of water in the bottom, covered completely by minute styrofoam crumbs. Peanut butter smeared on the insides, just out of reach. I had two mice in the first five minutes. In twelve hours, I had all the mice in the house. Earlier, I got rid of racoons in the attic. Some specialists placed a one-way door so they could leave and not get back in. The first one was gone the same night. The second was gone in about a week.