Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Historia mearum calamitatum : my funny motto
Mar. 25, spending at Shoppers
13.58 Mom's Personal stuff (20 x 2)
3.98 2 bags of raisins
1.79 chips.
.27 tax
4.50 2 coffees and ten Tim bits.
march 26 Sunday spending
--.--?? Church Contribution

SUNDAY. MARCH 26....The dog requires constant assistance and I can't leave for very long. I left about 7:30 to go to Mass. At Mass, the first reading concerned how the priests and leaders were bad and the Jewish people would go in exile. Then the psalm, how can we sing a song of Zion in a strange land. Then St. Paul's letter to someone, about grace rather than works. Grace produces works, not the other way around. Then the gospel. I think it was about Jesus and Nicodemus. Then the Sermon, about making your Lenten sacrifice beneficial to others, leading to contributing to Development and Peace.

contribution to Kidneys 5.00; 2 newspapers 1.90;
xl coffee.bagel 2xchs 4.05, l.coffee 1.40
Last night from about 2:30 to 4:00 the dog was very
restless and noisy. I slept fitfully. I went out at 5:00
because I could not sleep. Back at 6:00, took dog out,
translated. By 9:00 I needed to catch up on sleep. Until
about 9:30, back to work. coffee at 2:00, nap again. Did
laundry, washed winter coat. Only three pages left in

Koneczny translation. Not too much left to do for Encyclopedia this month. NATURE: Lots of Canada Geese
this early morning. Saw a bee, legs loaded with pollen,
and the leaves are not even out on the trees yet. Must
be from crocuses.

EXPENDITURES … 2 lg coffees and paper 3.80, 3 pks
cigarettes 21.75…coffee and danish 2.75;
GROCERIES: Whole Wheat spagh. .99; Primo crushed
tomatoes 1.19;2x evap. milk 2.54; wholewheatbread 1.49;
old cheddar chs 6.47; cabbage 1.49; onion .90 TOTAL
15.07, cashback 30.00
NATURE: saw a wild rabbit in the back yard, not alarmed
at all by the dog, since it sees the dog moves slowly
and with difficulty.
Woke about 4:00, started work at 6, til 9, went for
Coffee. A. R., erstwhile neighbor, got electrocuted,
fell off a ladder, and is in serious condition in
Toronto Hospital.
Wednesday, March 29 --- expenditures: 4.40 three
coffees and paper; 4.00 11x14"canvasboard+graphpaperpad;
Thursay 2 coffees and paper 4.20; brush 1.15; Thurs.
revd. gift of 100.00, expenditures: 6.00 3xcoffee and
danish; 1.00 paper; also installed Web-Accelerator -
works well;
Friday, March 31: 1.00 newspaper; expenditures 17.67
shipping of paintings via post; 8.80 - at Goodwill - big
pot, 1 spoon (for magic trick), 2 figurines; 1.60 coffee
at Papa nicks; Dollar Mart: 2 waste paper baskets
— 460;
I will make a web-page with portraits.
A note about praying, that we should pray with all our power. When a baby cries we take care, because (1) the baby cries with all its being; (2) the baby crys with confidence that it will be heard.