March 25
I worked much yesterday but had a lot of coffee too. E. Sh. called me in the morning and went to Donut Diner
2.50 Coffee and Muffin, perhaps
2.80 Afternoon and Evening Coffe
This morning
2.50 Globe and Mail
3.15 Coffee and Bagel
It is warm (about 5 celsius) so the dog is outside. Went out for coffee and newspaper at about 6:30. Saw Gord and Denny this morning.
Saturday, March 25, 2006
Friday, March 24, 2006
March 25, 2006 8 am
Today: 6am up and to coffee and bagel
5.20 3 coffees and newspaper 5.20
Last Night: Ordered the following (CDN dollars)
$10.50 1. Mosaic And Tessellated Patterns - 1 @ $10.50
$21.95 2. 50 Secrets of Magic Craftsmanship - 1 @ $21.95
$8.95 3. Van Gogh Paintings - 1 @ $8.95
Item(s) Subtotal: $41.40
Shipping: $0.00
GST: $2.90
TOTAL: $44.30
OWING: $44.30
Today: up at 6. Talked to RR and his brother, including about local art collector Dr. Afr., about Patricia Romance, and about the roof-shingles will be delivered. The translation of the work by Feliks Koneczny is arduous, because he writes in such broad sweeps, that when he refers to specific things, you do not know if he
is talking about the ancient world, the middle ages, or now. He draws very general conclusions (synthesis, as he says) from insignifant facts that may be half-true. Oh
well, I accepted this work and I will finish it.