Tuesday, March 28, 2006
Mar. 25, spending at Shoppers
13.58 Mom's Personal stuff (20 x 2)
3.98 2 bags of raisins
1.79 chips.
.27 tax
4.50 2 coffees and ten Tim bits.
march 26 Sunday spending
--.--?? Church Contribution
SUNDAY. MARCH 26....The dog requires constant assistance and I can't leave for very long. I left about 7:30 to go to Mass. At Mass, the first reading concerned how the priests and leaders were bad and the Jewish people would go in exile. Then the psalm, how can we sing a song of Zion in a strange land. Then St. Paul's letter to someone, about grace rather than works. Grace produces works, not the other way around. Then the gospel. I think it was about Jesus and Nicodemus. Then the Sermon, about making your Lenten sacrifice beneficial to others, leading to contributing to Development and Peace.
contribution to Kidneys 5.00; 2 newspapers 1.90;
xl coffee.bagel 2xchs 4.05, l.coffee 1.40
Last night from about 2:30 to 4:00 the dog was very
restless and noisy. I slept fitfully. I went out at 5:00
because I could not sleep. Back at 6:00, took dog out,
translated. By 9:00 I needed to catch up on sleep. Until
about 9:30, back to work. coffee at 2:00, nap again. Did
laundry, washed winter coat. Only three pages left in
Koneczny translation. Not too much left to do for Encyclopedia this month. NATURE: Lots of Canada Geese
this early morning. Saw a bee, legs loaded with pollen,
and the leaves are not even out on the trees yet. Must
be from crocuses.
EXPENDITURES … 2 lg coffees and paper 3.80, 3 pks
cigarettes 21.75…coffee and danish 2.75;
GROCERIES: Whole Wheat spagh. .99; Primo crushed
tomatoes 1.19;2x evap. milk 2.54; wholewheatbread 1.49;
old cheddar chs 6.47; cabbage 1.49; onion .90 TOTAL
15.07, cashback 30.00
NATURE: saw a wild rabbit in the back yard, not alarmed
at all by the dog, since it sees the dog moves slowly
and with difficulty.
Woke about 4:00, started work at 6, til 9, went for
Coffee. A. R., erstwhile neighbor, got electrocuted,
fell off a ladder, and is in serious condition in
Toronto Hospital.
Wednesday, March 29 --- expenditures: 4.40 three
coffees and paper; 4.00 11x14"canvasboard+graphpaperpad;
Thursay 2 coffees and paper 4.20; brush 1.15; Thurs.
revd. gift of 100.00, expenditures: 6.00 3xcoffee and
danish; 1.00 paper; also installed Web-Accelerator -
works well;
Friday, March 31: 1.00 newspaper; expenditures 17.67
shipping of paintings via post; 8.80 - at Goodwill - big
pot, 1 spoon (for magic trick), 2 figurines; 1.60 coffee
at Papa nicks; Dollar Mart: 2 waste paper baskets
— 460;
I will make a web-page with portraits.
A note about praying, that we should pray with all our power. When a baby cries we take care, because (1) the baby cries with all its being; (2) the baby crys with confidence that it will be heard.
Saturday, March 25, 2006
March 25
I worked much yesterday but had a lot of coffee too. E. Sh. called me in the morning and went to Donut Diner
2.50 Coffee and Muffin, perhaps
2.80 Afternoon and Evening Coffe
This morning
2.50 Globe and Mail
3.15 Coffee and Bagel
It is warm (about 5 celsius) so the dog is outside. Went out for coffee and newspaper at about 6:30. Saw Gord and Denny this morning.
Friday, March 24, 2006
March 25, 2006 8 am
Today: 6am up and to coffee and bagel
5.20 3 coffees and newspaper 5.20
Last Night: Ordered the following (CDN dollars)
$10.50 1. Mosaic And Tessellated Patterns - 1 @ $10.50
$21.95 2. 50 Secrets of Magic Craftsmanship - 1 @ $21.95
$8.95 3. Van Gogh Paintings - 1 @ $8.95
Item(s) Subtotal: $41.40
Shipping: $0.00
GST: $2.90
TOTAL: $44.30
OWING: $44.30
Today: up at 6. Talked to RR and his brother, including about local art collector Dr. Afr., about Patricia Romance, and about the roof-shingles will be delivered. The translation of the work by Feliks Koneczny is arduous, because he writes in such broad sweeps, that when he refers to specific things, you do not know if he
is talking about the ancient world, the middle ages, or now. He draws very general conclusions (synthesis, as he says) from insignifant facts that may be half-true. Oh
well, I accepted this work and I will finish it.